Fifth Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024 Readings: Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 Link to Lectionary

Our gospel readings for the first two weeks of Eastertime spoke of the various ways in which the early church recognized and understood the presence of Jesus in the world after his resurrection. Last week the focus shifted a little to reflect on the nature of the relationship that we have with the risen Jesus. The image John used was that of the shepherd, the shepherd who protects his sheep at all costs, even the cost of his life. 

Today’s reading (Jn 15:1-8) maintains that focus on the nature of this relationship, but takes it to another level. With the image of the vine and its branches John tells us that the bond between us and Jesus is total. This is more than being protected, this is having no life at all without being linked to Jesus. Our existence is only possible because we are organically part of Jesus, as he is of us. If you remove a branch from a tree it is just dead wood. 

John goes on to explain how this intimacy that we have with Jesus is a reflection of the Father’s creative action. It doesn’t happen because of anything we do, it is a consequence of God’s love, of his nature. The Father is the vine grower – that vine is Jesus linked together with all his followers, and, yes, that includes us. The existence of this vine, of this bond of life, glorifies the Father, it makes his power visible in the world.

By holding on to this relationship with Jesus we are part of God’s glory, we demonstrate God’s glory to the world.